Friday, November 10, 2006

Cleanliness is next to Godliness

This phrase applies to personal hygiene.

I live with two roommates: God and books. God, an elderly gentleman, oversees the general well being of the house. He provides money, food, and blessings. My books provide me knowledge and company. As the only one who does not contribute to anything, I am left to clean my house.

The apartment is dusty, dirty, and muddy. Thanks to the sprinklers. Cleaning is long due. I finally need to take a break from “The Innocent Man” and start organizing the apartment. I guess creating checklists is a wonderful way of organizing.

Checklist for cleaning
  1. Vacuuming the carpet
  2. Dusting the ceiling
  3. Scouring the sink
  4. Mopping the floor
  5. Cleaning the bathroom
Without much ado, I hope to make the house a pleasant abode for us roommates by the weekend.

1 comment:

Zach Taylor said...

interesting way of thinking. god and books as roomies. hmm..