Sunday, January 20, 2008

Giants vs. Patriots

It's Giants versus Patriots in Super Bowl XLII

The Pats had it easy when compared to Giants to reach the superbowl on Feb 3rd. I am eagerly waiting for the super week: Feb 3rd: super bowl, Feb 5th: super tuesday.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Play-list while working out

What song are you listening to while working out at the gym?
The following articles are good reads.
Tunes for every tribe and Time to work out

Sunday, January 13, 2008

COSTCO at Coors

COSTCO has opened a new store at Coors Blvd in December 2007.

The recession news does not seem to affect COSTCO.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Bill Richardson quits

Bill Richardson seems to have given up his presidential bid.

The New York Times reports
that Bill Richardson is ending his presidential bid. I think he did a good job of bringing New Mexico to the forefront in all the debates. People now know him and he was a charmer who always made audience laugh in the debates.

More Interesting Links

Lighter Side of Bill Richardson

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Shopping coupons

Many of us forget to redeem the shopping coupons that we receive through mail.

A better way to organize them is to upload information about them in a calendar. Some coupons (COSTCO, for example) have a range of dates through which the coupons are valid. A software-based calendar would help us plan a trip to the store and avail the coupons that one is interested in.
I created a Google calendar with short notes about those COSTCO coupons that are of interest to me.

Monday, January 07, 2008

Presidential Candidates - Debate in NH

Contesting in Presidential elections is a challenging task.

I personally liked John Edwards. He seized the moment and explained the audience how personal his contest is. I think the audience connected with him. He got his message through conveniently and successfully.

The presidential candidates in the republican debate were beating around the bush. There were no direct answers. For instance, the Republicans failed to answer a simple of question from the President. The president asked for the principles based on which they are running. Most of them gave out their policies.
I think the correct language here is to first list out their principle and state an example from the past and state an example from the future.

The democrats kept repeating what they did earlier. Only John Edwards was different and he really got his message through by citing a personal situation. He said running for President for him was personal.

Apart from this, whatever happened to humbleness. All the candidates were boasting about their achievements. I guess that is the language of politics. Bill Richardson kept on repeating his energy secretary experience and foreign policy. Hillary Clinton about her 25 years of experience. Obama about his fresh face. John Edwards seems to me as a reasonable guy who showed positive energy when debating.

A comparison table such as the "issues matrix" is a must see for voters before the choose sides.